Julie Bou Farah graduated from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts. In 2007, she became a Lecturer at the Lebanese University, and participated in numerous exhibits in Lebanon and abroad.

Throughout her career as an artist, she remained in touch with her inner child, as it is evident in her sense of playfulness, immediacy and spontaneity. Julie’s imaginative style focuses on daily life in its simplest and most charming form.

Children and animals are often depicted in her works, as seen in Circle of Life, 1992. Thanks to this joyful painting, Bou Farah became Sociétaire at the Salon d’Automne, Grand Palais, Paris, France.

Furthermore, in 1999, her esteemed painting Le Manège (Fun Fair) was awarded First Prize at the Henri Matisse 16th UMAM Biennale in Nice, France .


June 2024, ‘Expressions of diversity’, Artists of Beirut collective exhibition, Arthaus, Beirut, Lebanon

May 26th 2018, ‘The lost Art of writing letters’,  international Art fair, Tokyo Japan

29 october- 6 November 2014, ‘Indigo’, Salle polyvalente De L’Alba , Sin El Fil -Lebanon

2012, ‘Works on paper’ , Galerie Janine Rubeiz ,Beirut ,Lebanon

1-6 March 2004, ‘The Artist’s View II’, Cork Street Galleries (Mayfair), London

23oct -5 Dec 1999,  Henri Matisse Galerie des Ponchettes, Nice, France

March 1995, ‘Images of peace and Hope’, Al Majlis Gallery , Dubai, UAE

1992 , “Espace Liban”, Salon D’automne ,Grand palais Paris, France


‘The cactus’

Acrylic on canvas, 155 x 200 cm, 2020

‘The Sieve’

Mixed media on canvas, 66 x 62 cm, 2021