Paulette Eid, an architect, painter, sculptor and Junk artists is born on the 19th of May in 1967. In 1987. She enrolled at the National Institute of Fine Art to pursue her major in Architecture. After working till 2010 in big Firms, Paulette became a freelancer and co-owner at Paula & Naji Eid Architects (PNEid Architects) , which allowed her to focus more on herself as an independent artist. This brought about Paulette’s first personal brand as an artist called “RtistPola”, where she specializes in Furniture Design & Visual Arts.Creating Art Gems from pieces of junk, in order to give them a new life and meaning is her target. She aims at refashioning old products into sculptures, to defy the notion that pieces of garbage are no longer useful and to highlight the ongoing environmental crisis our society is going through. She earned 1st Prize award in the “Age of Recycling” competition at MACAM.Paulette has also participated in many  exhibitions, at the Hippodrome de Beirut ( 2018) Symposium of Aley (2019),  Jardins de Mzaar, Villa Sursock,  ABC mall etc


Oct 2022, Artists of Beirut Collective Pop up show, ‘A Sweet Fantasy’, Rebirth Beirut, Gemmayze, Lebanon

June 2022 , Artists of Beirut Collective Pop up Show Season Three, ‘Daydreams’, Arthaus, Beirut, Lebanon

Juin 2016 First prize “The Age of recycling” competition at MACAM, Lebanon


‘Van Gogh Autoportrait’,  3D with knitted wires,

50 x 10 x 70 cm, 2019

‘The Triumph Woman’, Polyart and paper-mache Sculpture on iron base,

85 x 60 x 215 cm, 2021